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09 January 2018

Living with knife crime: ‘Both my sons have been stabbed’

1 min

Jude Lanchin contributed to an article by ‘Beyond the Blade’, a year-long project throughout 2017, headed by the award-winning journalist Gary Younge.

The project committed to counting the death of every child and teenager killed by knives that year, to mark each individual lost, and explore in-depth the issues behind, and possible solutions to knife crime in Britain. By the end of the year, the total number of fatalities had climbed to 39 – one of the worst in 40 years. Then, on New Year’s Day, four young men were stabbed to death in London as 2018 arrived.

Read full story here.

Jude is contributing to a number of other projects focussing on knife crime, including film and online, and is also involved with community organisations dealing with these issues.

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