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Our People

We are Bindmans.

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Lawyers Senior Management
Jon Crocker
Managing Partner

Head of Medical Negligence and Personal Injury

Yagmur Ekici

Medical Negligence and Personal Injury

Siobhan Kelly

Medical Negligence and Personal Injury

Alla Murphy

Medical Negligence and Personal Injury

Sally-Jean Nicholes
Senior Consultant

Medical Negligence and Personal Injury

Rosaleen Wyllie

Medical Negligence and Personal Injury

Tony Taylor

Medical Negligence and Personal Injury

Megan Owen

Medical Negligence and Personal Injury

Holly Crowder
Trainee Solicitor

Medical Negligence and Personal Injury

Vivian Kwok
Trainee solicitor

Medical Negligence and Personal Injury

Niamh Summers
Trainee solicitor

Medical Negligence and Personal Injury

How can we help you?

We are here to help. If you have any questions for us, please get in touch below.